Google Cloud Anthos – Advanced Labs

Welcome to the course – “Google Cloud Anthos – Advanced Labs

This course provides a series of hands-on-lab on how to set up Anthos clusters and ACM configuration for a sample project.

This course assumes that you have completed the Introductory course on Anthos – Google Cloud Anthos : Introduction, Architecture and Deployment

Prerequisite for this course

Prerequisite for this course

Google Anthos Cluster on Bare Metal Lab

Google Anthos Cluster on Bare Metal Hands-on Lab Tutorial

In this Lab, we would install Google Anthos Clusters on Bare metal and deploy a sample cloud-native application to demonstrate end-to-end functionality.

Google Anthos Config Management Lab

Google Anthos Config Management Hand-on Lab / Tutorial

This is a hands-on Lab which demonstrates how to configure ACM on Anthos Clusters. We would sync the configuration from Git repository, which would be applied to Anthos Clusters by the ACM Config sync component.

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