Google Cloud Anthos – Introduction, Architecture and Deployment

Welcome to the course – Google Cloud Anthos – Introduction, Architecture, and Deployment.
Anthos is a modern application management platform that provides a consistent development and operations experience for cloud and on-prem environments.
As per the Google Anthos website, Anthos provides the following high-level capabilities –
- Build, deploy, and optimize applications anywhere—simply, flexibly, and securely.
- Consistent development and operations experience for hybrid and multi-cloud environments.
- Protect applications and software supply chain.
Basically, the Anthos gives you a consistent platform and toolset to build and deploy cloud applications any environment (multi-cloud, edge or hybrid)
Prerequisite for this course
The need for a unified cloud platform
As organizations start to transition toward these cloud models, the following challenges arise -
- How to create cloud applications that can be deployed anywhere.
- How to deploy and manage cloud applications in a consistent way across these environments.
- How to modernize existing on-prem applications leveraging the existing virtualized infrastructure.
- How to extend single-cloud deployment to support multi-cloud deployments.
- How to provide consistent compliance and security across environments.
- How to provide the same consistent tooling for continuous deployment and continuous integration across environments.
To address the above challenges in a consistent way, we need a platform that enables organizations to build cloud applications that can be deployed anywhere - multi-cloud, hybrid, or cloud on edge.
What is Google Anthos
Architecture and its key components
Anthos is a modern application management platform that provides a consistent development and operations experience for cloud and on-prem environments.
In this video, we talk about the need for Google Anthos, what business problems it tries to solve, and deep dive into the architecture and its key components.
We would cover Anthos Service Mesh, Anthos Config Management, Anthos GKE on VMWare, Anthos cluster on Bare metal, Anthos CI/CD development and DevOps tools, and Cloud-native and unified process for cloud deployment.
Google Cloud Anthos Deployment Options
The deployment options of Anthos by Google Cloud can be primarily bucketed into the following three categories –
Hybrid deployment
Edge deployment
Multi-cloud capability
In this video, we would cover Anthos Clusters on VMWare VSphere, Anthos Clusters on Bare-metal servers, and Anthos on Multi-cloud deployment on AWS and Azure and Edge deployment.
Google Cloud Anthos Clusters on Bare Metal
In this video we cover Google Anthos Clusters on Bare Metal, Hardware and Software required to install Google Anthos Clusters on Bare Metal, the Deployment model, and High Availability Topology.
Anthos clusters on Bare metal allow you to install Anthos Clusters directly on bare metal servers and provide the flexibility to enterprises to run Anthos Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters directly on their own environment/on-premises data centre.